Statement of Income and Expense Recognized in Equity (XLSX:) XLS H1 statement of comprehensive income (Million €) 2021 2020 Income after taxes 3,604 29 Remeasurement of defined benefit plans 3,374 –231 Deferred taxes on the remeasurement of defined benefit plans –868 –38 Remeasurement of defined benefit plans from investments accounted for using the equity method (after taxes) 41 –12 Nonreclassifiable gains/losses 2,547 –281 Unrealized gains/losses in connection with cash flow hedges –12 117 Reclassification of realized gains/losses recognized in the statement of income in connection with cash flow hedges –10 10 Unrealized gains/losses from currency translation 650 –528 Reclassification of realized gains/losses from currency translation recognized in the statement of income 52 – Deferred taxes on reclassifiable gains/losses –1 –30 Reclassifiable gains/losses after taxes from investments accounted for using the equity method (after taxes) 27 –150 Reclassification of realized gains/losses recognized in the statement of income from investments accounted for using the equity method –14 – Reclassifiable gains/losses 692 –581 Other comprehensive income after taxes 3,239 –862 of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 3,216 –859 attributable to noncontrolling interests 23 –3 Comprehensive income 6,843 –833 of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 6,588 –852 attributable to noncontrolling interests 255 19 back next