17 – Related-party transactions

The BASF Group maintains relationships with several related parties that can exert influence on the BASF Group or over which the BASF Group exercises control or joint control, or a significant influence. The following tables show the scope of the Group’s transactions with related parties.

Sales and trade accounts receivable from and trade accounts payable to related parties mainly included business with own products, merchandise, agency and licensing businesses, and other operating business.

Other receivables and liabilities primarily arose from financing activities, profit-and-loss transfer agreements, and other finance-related and operating activities and events.

The year-on-year decline in sales to associated companies of €147 million in the third quarter of 2015 and of €1,306 million in the first three quarters of 2015 came primarily from the fact that transactions with Styrolution Group companies were to be classified as transactions with associated companies only until the sale of Styrolution in November 2014.

There were no reportable related-party transactions with members of the Board of Executive Directors or the Supervisory Board and their related parties during the reporting period.