Regional Results
Overview of regions (million €) |
Sales |
Sales |
2015 |
2014 |
Change in % |
2015 |
2014 |
Change in % |
2015 |
2014 |
Change in % |
1st Quarter |
Europe |
11,973 |
11,901 |
1 |
11,459 |
11,427 |
0 |
1,339 |
1,430 |
(6) |
Thereof Germany |
9,071 |
8,919 |
2 |
4,634 |
3,874 |
20 |
549 |
657 |
(16) |
North America |
4,232 |
3,900 |
9 |
4,212 |
3,840 |
10 |
470 |
491 |
(4) |
Asia Pacific |
2,915 |
2,848 |
2 |
3,073 |
3,037 |
1 |
192 |
174 |
10 |
South America, Africa, Middle East |
947 |
863 |
10 |
1,323 |
1,208 |
10 |
69 |
17 |
306 |
20,067 |
19,512 |
3 |
20,067 |
19,512 |
3 |
2,070 |
2,112 |
(2) |
- Sales rise by 1%, earnings decline slightly to €1,339 million
Sales for companies located in Europe grew by 1% compared with the previous first quarter. This was mainly because of the considerably higher volumes in the Natural Gas Trading business sector. Sales also grew considerably in the Agricultural Solutions segment on account of high demand. In the Petrochemicals division, sales were particularly weighed down by falling prices. Furthermore, lower volumes were mainly responsible for a decline in Other. Income from operations before special items fell by €91 million to €1,339 million due to the considerably lower earnings in Other.
North America
- Sales grow by 9%, earnings down slightly to €470 million
In North America, sales dropped by 10% in local currency terms on account of lower prices. In euro terms, they rose by 9%. Positive currency effects led to considerable sales growth in the Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions and Agricultural Solutions segments. In the Petrochemicals division, decreased raw material prices negatively impacted sales prices and sales. At €470 million, earnings declined slightly (first quarter of 2014: €491 million), primarily because of declines in the Chemicals segment.
Asia Pacific
- Sales rise by 2%, earnings improve slightly to €192 million
Sales in Asia Pacific dropped by 13% in local currency terms, predominantly on account of prices, and grew in euro terms by 2%. Sales were reduced by the disposal of our share in the Ellba Eastern Private Ltd. joint operation in Singapore at the end of 2014. In the Functional Materials & Solutions and Performance Products segments, we posted considerable sales growth through positive currency effects. Earnings rose by €18 million to €192 million compared with the previous first quarter.
South America, Africa, Middle East
- Sales increase by 10%, earnings up considerably to €69 million
In South America, Africa, Middle East, sales exceeded prior first-quarter levels by 2% in local currency terms and 10% in euro terms. This development was particularly supported by higher sales in the Oil & Gas segment as well as in the Construction Chemicals and Performance Chemicals divisions. We were able to increase earnings by €52 million to €69 million.