
The Management’s Report comprises the chapter of the same name, as well as the disclosures required by takeover law, the Compensation Report and the Declaration of Corporate Governance, which are presented in the Corporate Governance chapter. The Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) is integrated into the Management’s Report.

Compensation Report and disclosures in accordance with section 315a HGB1

The Compensation Report including the description of the principles of the compensation system in accordance with section 315a(2) HGB can be found in the Corporate Governance chapter, and the disclosures in accordance with section 315a(1) HGB (takeover-related disclosures). They form part of the Management’s Report, which is audited as part of the annual audit.

Consolidated Declaration of Corporate Governance in accordance with section 315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB1

The Consolidated Declaration of Corporate Governance in accordance with section 315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB can be found in the Corporate Governance chapter and is a component of the Management’s Report. It comprises the Corporate Governance Report including the description of the diversity concept for the composition of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board (excluding the disclosures required by takeover law in accordance with section 315a(1) HGB), compliance reporting and the Declaration of Conformity pursuant to section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act. Pursuant to section 317(2) sentence 6 HGB, the auditor checked that the disclosures according to section 315d HGB were made.

1 In the version applicable to the Financial Statements and Management’s Report for the 2020 fiscal year pursuant to Article 83 of the Introductory Act on the German Commercial Code (EGHGB)

Further information

The following symbols indicate further information:

The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit but has undergone a separate audit with limited assurance by our auditor.

The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information, which was critically read by the auditor.