General Disclosures
The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit of the annual financial statements but has undergone a separate limited assurance by our auditor.
The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information, which was critically read by the auditor.
The general bases of preparation for the Sustainability Statement are described in Overview – About This Report and the Combined Management’s Report. Information about corporate governance disclosures relating to sustainability (Disclosure Requirements GOV-1, GOV-2 and GOV-3 of the ESRSs) is provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
Material topics along the value chain form the focal points of our reporting and define the reporting boundaries. In identifying, prioritizing and validating material sustainability-related topics, we follow the principle of double materiality, taking into consideration financial materiality and impact materiality. The following chapters deal with the topics, subtopics and sub-subtopics that were found to be material within the meaning of the ESRSs upon performing the double materiality assessment. More information can be found in the chapter Double Materiality Assessment.
In some cases, we have made use of incorporation by reference to minimize redundancies. An overview of the data points incorporated by reference can be found on ESRS Index. As permitted by ESRS 1 paragraph 7.7, we have opted not to disclose information relating to research and development (R&D), know-how or the results of innovation that has commercial value and whose publication would result in a competitive disadvantage for BASF. Time horizons specified in our Sustainability Statement are used in accordance with the ESRS definitions.
We discuss the impacts, risks and opportunities identified in our double materiality assessment in the sections concerning the respective topics. The section on opportunity and risk management also includes risk pursuant to Disclosure Requirement GOV-5 and presents disclosures on our opportunity and risk management system and internal controls of sustainability reporting (see Opportunities and Risks).
When individual sustainability metrics have been estimated based on indirect sources, such as sector-average data or other proxies, we provide more information in the respective chapters. This is also the case when metrics have been adjusted compared with prior reporting periods or when they are subject to measurement uncertainty. Due to rounding, individual figures may not add up exactly to the totals shown and percentages may not correspond exactly to the figures shown. As the calculations of our Scope 3 emissions (reported in E1 Climate Change under Scope 3.1) are largely based on models and statistics, they are subject to a high degree of uncertainty.
Our data on environmental protection and safety is collected based on the recommendations of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). Data relating to the environment, health and safety (EHS) and to human resources (HR) is recorded in a central database. The EHS data is captured for each site and company based at the respective site; the HR data is captured for each company. Environmental data (on emissions or water volumes, for example) is determined by measurements, calculations or estimations according to the regulatory requirements or legal obligations. The data collection method selected depends on technical limitations (high temperatures do not always allow the use of sensors for direct measurement), the ability to derive data from data already collected, and the proportionality of efforts to take measurements in relation to the emission in question (such as volume flow, operating hours). To increase the robustness of our data, we apply a two-step process in which sustainability data is first recorded and then validated in accordance with the principle of dual control. Additional plausibility checks are carried out by the responsible Corporate Center units, after which the data is evaluated based on the respective consolidation criteria and aggregated in the database.
The reporting period is the 2024 business year. We include relevant data made available up to preparation of this report by the Board of Executive Directors at the accounts meeting on March 17, 2025 (editorial deadline). We have explained any changes to calculations of metrics or targets compared with the previous year, or any changes we have made to correct calculation errors, in the respective context. Whenever metrics, or their methods of measuring or calibrations are additionally validated by external sources, we indicate this in the respective chapter. In the absence of any such indication, the metrics or methods were not subjected to external validation beyond the voluntary audit of this report. In general, the targets reported are selected voluntarily. Whenever targets are mandatory under a specific piece of legislation, this has been noted in the respective context. If stakeholders were involved in defining a target, we indicate this in the respective context. In the absence of any such indication, this means that no stakeholders were involved in the target definition process.
The scope of consolidation applicable to financial reporting also applies to sustainability reporting. We present general disclosures on the consolidation principles applied to sustainability reporting and additional disclosures on the content and structure of this report and the forward-looking statements and forecasts made in Overview – About This Report and the Combined Management’s Report. The figures reported on employees in S1 Own Workforce include all individuals working at an entity included in the scope of consolidation of the BASF Group as of December 31, 2024. Any deviations of specific metrics from that reference framework have been noted. We report all data concerning the worldwide production sites of BASF SE, its fully consolidated subsidiaries and its proportionately consolidated joint operations on a topic-specific basis in the sections covering environmental and social topics. Subsidiaries that are fully consolidated in the Group Financial Statements in which BASF SE holds an interest of less than 100% are included in full in environmental reporting. In the case of proportionally consolidated joint operations and equity-accounted joint ventures over which BASF has operating control, the ESRS data points collected on the basis of operating control are taken into account in full, regardless of BASF’s equity interest. Data on work-related injuries at all sites of BASF SE and its subsidiaries as well as joint operations and joint ventures in which we have authority in terms of safety management is compiled worldwide, regardless of our equity interest, and reported in full. Unless otherwise indicated, data on social responsibility and transportation safety refers to the BASF Group’s scope of consolidation.
In accordance with the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the supplementary delegated acts, the Sustainability Statement includes the proportion of the Group’s taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned sales revenue, capital expenditures (including acquisitions and excluding goodwill in accordance with the EU taxonomy) and operating expenditures for the 2024 business year for the six climate targets (“climate change mitigation,” “climate change adaptation,” “sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources,” “transition to a circular economy,” “pollution prevention and control” and “protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems”).
Policies are adopted by the Board of Executive Directors and define the principles surrounding a topic; requirements govern how a policy is implemented. Information on how we monitor compliance with policies and requirements is provided in the context of the respective chapters. The table below provides an overview of the general disclosures concerning application of BASF policies, which are mentioned in multiple parts of the Sustainability Statement. When developing and implementing policies, we only involve stakeholders in exceptional cases. In the case of standards dealing with codetermination-relevant topics, employee representatives are involved in accordance with local conditions. We have explained any such occurrences in the context of the respective chapter. If no such explanation is made, then stakeholders have not been engaged regarding the development or execution of the policy. Our policies are accessible to employees via an internal platform. We make the relevant requirements and policies available to external target groups via our website.
Our sustainability management is based on centrally defined global targets and policies and often decentralized actions, projects or initiatives that we implement in order to drive continuous optimization and development in the respective areas. Actions in accordance with ESRS requirements are designated as such in the respective chapters. For projects or initiatives which do not fall under the definition of the ESRSs, we have opted to not make the minimum disclosures.
Requirement/policy |
Scope of application |
Accountable entity |
Impact on the value chain |
Applicability |
BASF Policy Statement on Human Rights |
BASF’s voluntary commitment to respect internationally recognized human rights in its own activities and to reinforce such commitment in its relationships with business partners. The BASF Group’s Policy Statement on Human Rights defines how BASF fulfills its responsibility in cooperation with the relevant stakeholder groups. |
Corporate Legal, Compliance and Insurance |
Entire value chain |
Global |
BASF Code of Conduct |
BASF’s Code of Conduct lays out the framework to which all employees worldwide must adhere in order to comply with applicable laws and internal requirements as well as ethical business practices. |
Corporate Legal, Compliance and Insurance |
Entire value chain |
Global |
Compliance management system (CMS) |
The CMS policy supplements the Code of Conduct and describes the actions BASF takes to prevent noncompliant behavior. |
Corporate Legal, Compliance and Insurance |
Entire value chain |
Global |
BASF Human Rights Management Policy |
The policy regulates the overarching human rights management at BASF and its overall structure, including roles, responsibilities and obligations. |
Corporate Legal, Compliance and Insurance |
Entire value chain |
Global |
Human Rights Due Diligence for Third-Party Workers |
The requirement sets forth a multilevel approach to ensuring human rights due diligence with regard to employees of third-party companies. |
Corporate Legal, Compliance and Insurance |
Entire value chain |
Global |
BASF’s Position on Water Protection |
This voluntary commitment by BASF defines how we protect water when purchasing raw materials, operating our sites and when our products are used. |
Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality |
Entire value chain |
Global |
BASF’s Position on Forest Protection |
This voluntary commitment by BASF defines how we protect forests when procuring raw materials, operating our sites and when our products are used. |
Corporate Sustainability |
Entire value chain |
Global |
Responsible Care Management Systema |
BASF’s Responsible Care Management System consists of several policies that regulate health, safety and environmental protection in accordance with the Responsible Care® Global Charter. |
Board of Executive Directors of |
Own production |
Global |
Global standards on CO2 emissions and energy data, energy efficiency and energy concepts (part of the Responsible Care Management System) |
The standards govern BASF’s treatment of CO2 emissions and energy data plus the aspects of energy efficiency and energy policies. |
Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality |
Own production |
Global |
Global standards on environmental protection (part of the Responsible Care Management System) |
The global standards define BASF’s approach to emissions to air and water, to waste and to the introduction of sustainable water management. |
Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality |
Own production |
Global |
Global standards on process safety, emergency management and crisis management (part of the Responsible Care Management System) |
The global standards govern the operation of our sites, emergency preparedness and emergency response. |
Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality |
Own production |
Global |
Global standards on product, transportation and distribution safety (part of the Responsible Care Management System) |
The global standards govern the safe use of our products. |
Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality |
Entire value chain |
Global |
Procurement requirement |
The requirement governs BASF’s procurement process. |
Corporate Development |
Upstream value chain |
Global |
Risk-based sustainability management (part of the procurement requirement) |
As part of our procurement requirement, risk-based sustainability management defines how BASF deals with risks in the procurement process. |
Corporate Development |
Upstream value chain |
Global |
Supplier Code of Conduct (part of risk-based sustainability management) |
In the Supplier Code of Conduct, BASF defines its expectations regarding environmental, labor and social standards in the supply chain. |
Global Procurement; |
Upstream value chain |
Global |
Principles for the responsible procurement of renewable raw materials |
These principles describe how BASF sources renewable raw materials responsibly. |
Corporate Development |
Upstream value chain |
Global |
BASF Palm Sourcing Policy |
The policy defines the process of purchasing palm-based raw materials in BASF’s Care Chemicals division. |
Care Chemicals |
Upstream value chain |
Global |
Requirements for Product Carbon Footprints and eco-efficiency analyses |
These requirements stipulate how Product Carbon Footprints are calculated and how eco-efficiency analyses should be performed, thereby laying out the framework for the control and measurement of sustainability factors at BASF. |
Corporate Development |
Upstream and downstream value chain |
Global |
Third-Party Compliance Due Diligence |
This policy governs compliance requirements for our business partners. |
Corporate Compliance |
Downstream value chain |
Global |
This content fulfills the Disclosure Requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS Index gives an overview of the references to the ESRSs in this report.