Declaration of Conformity 2024 of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of BASF SE
Please note
With the exception of the “Disclosures according to sections 289a and 315a of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and explanatory report of the Board of Executive Directors according to section 176(1) sentence 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG),” the content of this section is not part of the statutory audit but is part of a separate audit with limited assurance.
The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit of the annual financial statements but has undergone a separate limited assurance by our auditor.
The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information, which was critically read by the auditor.
The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of BASF SE hereby declare pursuant to section 161 AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)
The recommendations of the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on April 28, 2022, published by the Federal Ministry of Justice on June 27, 2022, in the official section of the Federal Gazette are complied with and have been complied with since the submission of the last Declaration of Conformity of December 2023.
Ludwigshafen, December 2024
The Supervisory Board
The Board of Executive Directors
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