Nonfinancial Disclosures of BASF SE
The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit of the annual financial statements but has undergone a separate limited assurance by our auditor.
The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information, which was critically read by the auditor.
Due to the importance of BASF SE within the BASF Group, specific disclosures are required when reporting key sustainability-related information. Such disclosures also became mandatory for the parent company of the BASF Group, BASF SE, as a result of the CSR Directive Implementation Act, which came into effect in 2017. An integrated reference option within the (Consolidated) Sustainability Statement was selected in the Management’s Report for the Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) to be issued in the reporting year in accordance with sections 289b to 289e of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The table on this and the following page shows the relevant nonfinancial key figures of BASF SE. All disclosures on strategy, due diligence, targets, described processes and key figures contained in the statements in the Combined Management’s Report, including the (Consolidated) Sustainability Statement, apply to the BASF Group including BASF SE. No significant deviations were identified for BASF SE.
2024 |
Employees |
Employees |
33,370 |
of which apprentices |
1,978 |
Apprentices in final year of apprenticeship who received a job offera |
% |
88 |
Participants in Training Verbund (cooperation with partner companies in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region) |
66 |
Training Verbund expenses |
million € |
3 |
Personnel expenses |
million € |
3,594 |
of which wages and salaries |
2,972 |
of which social security contributions and expenses for pensions and assistance |
622 |
of which pension expenses |
125 |
Participants in the “plus” employee share program |
17,469 |
Innovation |
Employees in research and development |
3,941 |
Research and development expenses |
million € |
1,221 |
Procurement |
Procurement spend |
million € |
7,447 |
Safety (process and occupational safety) |
Fatality rateb |
0.0 |
Employeesb |
0.0 |
Nonemployeesb |
0.0 |
Contractorsb |
0.0 |
Number of fatalities |
0 |
Employees |
0 |
Nonemployees |
0 |
Contractors |
0 |
High-consequence work-related injury rateb |
0.2 |
Employeesb |
0.1 |
Nonemployeesb |
0.8 |
Contractorsb |
0.2 |
8.4 |
Employeesb |
7.4 |
Nonemployeesb |
21.3 |
Contractorsb |
9.6 |
Number of recordable work-related injuriesc |
537 |
Employees |
353 |
Nonemployees |
55 |
Contractors |
129 |
Number of days lost to work-related injuries |
4,377 |
Employees |
2,898 |
Nonemployees |
376 |
Contractors |
1,103 |
Rate of high-severity work process-related injuriesb |
0.2 |
Rate of process safety incidentsb |
1.7 |
Rate of high-severity process safety incidentsb |
0.3 |
Transportation incidents |
2 |
Incidents with spillage of more than 200 kilograms of dangerous goods |
0 |
of which with significant impact on the environment |
0 |
Emergency response |
Major incident drill |
1 |
Drills and simulations of emergency measures |
163 |
TUIS interventions |
136 |
Management systems |
Responsible Care audits |
24 |
Environmental |
Energy demand – electricity |
MWh |
4,587,399 |
Energy demand – steam |
metric tons |
14,737,149 |
Energy demand – fossil fuels in power plants |
MWh |
12,056,102 |
Waste generation |
metric tons |
636,663 |
of which recycled waste |
% |
46.8 |
of which waste disposed of |
% |
53.2 |
of which hazardous waste |
% |
98.1 |
Emissions of air pollutants (excluding CH4); CO, NOX, NMVOC, SOX, dust, NH3 / other inorganic substances |
metric tons |
5,320 |
Greenhouse gas emissions: CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6 |
million metric tons of CO2 equivalents |
5.1 |
Water abstraction |
million cubic meters |
1,063 |
Water use |
million cubic meters |
2,021 |
Water discharge |
million cubic meters |
962 |
Emissions of organic substances to water |
metric tons |
4,077 |
Emissions of nitrogen to water |
metric tons |
1,068 |
Emissions of heavy metals to water |
metric tons |
6 |
Emissions of phosphorus to water |
metric tons |
63 |
This content fulfills the Disclosure Requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS Index gives an overview of the references to the ESRSs in this report.