Integration of sustainability

Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate strategy. Using the various tools of our sustainability management, we carry out our company purpose: “We create chemistry for a sustainable future.” We incorporate sustainability into our business. This is how we seize business opportunities and minimize risks along the value chain.


  • Ensuring long-term economic success
  • Taking advantage of business opportunities and minimizing risks

We aim to add value in the long term for our company, the environment and society. Sustainability is at the core of what we do, a driver for growth as well as an element of our risk management. That is why we incorporate aspects of sustainability into our decision-making processes and have defined clear responsibilities in our organization. This is how we position our company for long-term economic success.

We have created structures to promote sustainable, entrepreneurial actions all the way from strategy to implementation. The Corporate Sustainability Board is BASF’s central steering committee for sustainable development. It is composed of the heads of our business, corporate and functional units, and regions. A member of the Board of Executive Directors serves as chair. We have also established an external, independent Stakeholder Advisory Council. Here, international experts from academia and society contribute their perspectives to discussions with BASF’s Board of Executive Directors, helping us expand our strengths and identify our potential for improvement.

Through our constant dialog with stakeholders, our internal analysis methods and our many years of experience, we are continuously refining our understanding of significant topics and trends as well as potential opportunities and risks along our value chain.

For example, we have defined sustainability focus areas within our corporate strategy. These formulate the commitments with which BASF positions itself in the market and how it aims to meet the growing challenges along the value chain:

  • We source responsibly
  • We produce safely for people and the environment
  • We produce efficiently
  • We value people and treat them with respect
  • We drive sustainable products and solutions

Relevant topics resulting from these commitments – such as supply chain responsibility, responsible production, resource efficiency, energy and climate protection, water, product stewardship, employment and employability, and portfolio management – form the focal points of our reporting. We also integrate these topics into our long-term steering processes to ensure societal acceptance and take advantage of business opportunities.