Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors

This report meets the disclosure requirements of the German Commercial Code, supplemented by the additional requirements based on the German Act on the Disclosure of Management Board Remuneration (VorstOG) as well as the German Act on the Appropriateness of Management Board Remuneration (VorstAG), and is aligned with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) in the version dated February 7, 2017. At its meeting on December 19, 2019, the Supervisory Board resolved to amend the existing compensation system for the Board of Executive Directors. The amendments also meet the changed requirements from the 2020 fiscal year onward arising from the German Act Implementing the Second E.U. Shareholder Rights Directive (ARUG II), which entered into force on January 1, 2020, and from the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) in the version dated December 16, 2019, which was submitted to the German Federal Ministry of Justice on January 23, 2020, for review and publication in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger).

Principles and structure

The compensation of the Board of Executive Directors is determined by the company’s size, complexity and financial position, as well as the performance of the Board of Executive Directors as a whole. It is designed to promote sustainable corporate development and ensure a pronounced variability in relation to the performance of the Board of Executive Directors and the BASF Group’s success. The external and internal appropriateness of the Board’s compensation is reviewed by an independent external auditor on a regular basis. DAX companies in Germany and globally operating companies in the rest of Europe1 serve as an external reference. For internal comparison, the compensation of senior executives and employees of BASF SE is considered in total as well as over time.

Based on a proposal by the Personnel Committee, the Supervisory Board determines the structure and amount of compensation of members of the Board of Executive Directors.

In 2019, the Supervisory Board engaged an independent external compensation consultant with an appropriateness review. The results of the appropriateness review revealed that the compensation granted to BASF’s Board of Executive Directors was within market range for the peer group (horizontal comparison). An assessment of the compensation of an ordinary member of the Board of Executive Directors in relation to the compensation paid to the company’s employees and senior executives (vertical comparison) did not provide any indications of inappropriate compensation, nor did an assessment of its development over time.

For more information on the Supervisory Board and its committees, see
Supervisory Board
Report of the Supervisory Board

1 The European peer group for the 2019 appropriateness review comprised the following companies: ABB, Air Liquide, Akzo Nobel, BAE Systems, Bayer, BHP, BMW, BP, Continental, Daimler, DSM, E.ON, EDF, Henkel, Linde, Rolls Royce, Royal Dutch Shell, Siemens, Solvay, Thyssenkrupp, Total, Volkswagen

Individual compensation components

Amount of total compensation

Accounting valuation of multiple-year variable compensation (LTI programs)

Pension benefits

End-of-service benefits

Amendment of the compensation system for the Board of Executive Directors as of January 1, 2020

Former members of the Board of Executive Directors