Statement of Income BASF Group (XLS:) XLS Statement of income (Million €) Explanationsin Note 2019 2018restateda 2018previous a Figures for 2018 were restated with the presentation of the construction chemicals activities as discontinued operations. For more information, see Note 1.4 of these Notes. Sales revenue [6] 59,316 60,220 62,675 Cost of sales [6] (43,061) (42,914) (44,319) Gross profit on sales 16,255 17,306 18,356 Selling expenses [7] (7,912) (7,715) (8,588) General administrative expenses [7] (1,310) (1,356) (1,426) Research and development expenses [7] (2,158) (1,994) (2,028) Other operating income [8] 2,095 1,812 1,815 Other operating expenses [8] (3,034) (2,348) (2,365) Income from companies accounted for using the equity method [9] 116 269 269 Income from operations [4] 4,052 5,974 6,033 Income from other shareholdings 33 35 36 Expenses from other shareholdings (78) (78) (78) Net income from shareholdings (45) (43) (42) Interest income 183 174 174 Interest expenses (648) (537) (540) Interest result (465) (363) (366) Other financial income 35 33 32 Other financial expenses (275) (368) (369) Other financial result (240) (335) (337) Financial result [10] (750) (741) (745) Income before income taxes 3,302 5,233 5,288 Income taxes [11] (756) (1,117) (1,138) Income after taxes from continuing operations 2,546 4,116 4,150 Income after taxes from discontinued operations [2] 5,945 863 829 Income after taxes 8,491 4,979 4,979 Noncontrolling interests [12] (70) (272) (272) Net income 8,421 4,707 4,707 Earnings per share from continuing operations (€) [5] 2.72 4.26 4.29 Earnings per share from discontinued operations (€) [5] 6.45 0.86 0.83 Earnings per share (€) [5] 9.17 5.12 5.12 Dilution effect (€) [5] (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) Diluted earnings per share (€) [5] 9.15 5.11 5.11 back next