Business Review Chemicals segment Sales growth of 1% to €16,501 million due to higher prices EBIT before special items declines 20% to €3,386 million primarily as a result of lower margins, impacted by low water level of Rhine River At €16,501 million, sales to third parties in the Chemicals segment in 2018 were €170 million above the prior-year figure (volumes –1%, prices 4%, portfolio 0%, currencies –2%). This was due to higher prices overall in all divisions, especially in Petrochemicals. By contrast, the Monomers division saw a decrease in isocyanate prices. Currency effects had a negative impact on sales. Sales volumes were also slightly below the prior-year level. We increased volumes overall in the Petrochemicals and Intermediates divisions despite the low water levels on the Rhine River, while sales volumes declined considerably in the Monomers division. Income from operations (EBIT) before special items declined by €847 million to €3,386 million. This was mainly attributable to lower margins for isocyanates in the Monomers division and steam cracker products in the Petrochemicals division. Stronger margins in the Intermediates division were unable to compensate for this. Plant shutdowns and the low water levels on the Rhine River in the second half of 2018 also contributed to the decline in earnings. EBIT declined by €848 million to €3,360 million. Overall, special items did not have a substantial impact. (XLS:) Download Segment data – Chemicals (Million €) 2018 2017 +/– 1 Amortization of intangible assets and depreciation of property, plant and equipment (including impairments and reversals of impairments) 2 Additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Sales to third parties 16,501 16,331 1% of which Petrochemicals 6,904 6,389 8% Monomers 6,464 6,963 (7%) Intermediates 3,133 2,979 5% Intersegment transfers 6,105 6,063 1% Sales including intersegment transfers 22,606 22,394 1% Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 4,432 5,374 (18%) EBITDA margin % 26.9 32.9 – Depreciation and amortization1 1,072 1,166 (8%) Income from operations (EBIT) 3,360 4,208 (20%) Special items (26) (25) (4%) EBIT before special items 3,386 4,233 (20%) EBIT after cost of capital 2,030 2,895 (30%) Assets 13,264 13,233 0% Investments including acquisitions2 1,325 1,149 15% Research and development expenses 129 128 1% back next