BASF Report 2024

3. Acquisitions and Divestitures

The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit of the annual financial statements but has undergone a separate limited assurance by our auditor.

The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information, which was critically read by the auditor.


In 2024, BASF acquired the following activities:

  • On July 31, 2023, BASF and Huntsman, together with their Chinese partner companies, announced the separation of their joint MDI production in the associated company Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate Co., Ltd. BASF took over one of the two MDI plants, including production plants for the precursors aniline and nitrobenzene as well as the employees in production. The transaction falls within the scope of IFRS 3 and was completed on January 31, 2024. The purchase price was €192 million and was cash-effective in full. It is attributable to the acquired plants and, to a lesser extent, to inventories.
  • Furthermore, BASF acquired 49% of shares of a shareholding in Vattenfall’s Nordlicht 1 and 2 wind farm projects on April 22, 2024. The acquired assets do not constitute a business according to IFRS 3.2b. The transaction is therefore not being reported as an acquisition and is not included in the following table. The acquired shares are accounted for using the equity method. The purchase price was €501 million and was cash-effective in full.

No material activities were acquired in 2023.

The compensation component agreed as part of the establishment of BASF Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd., Changsha, China, in 2021 was realized in the amount of €18 million in 2023.

A purchase price adjustment for the polyamide business acquired in 2020 led to a payment of €5 million in 2023.

The following overview shows the effects of the acquisitions in 2024 and 2023 on the Consolidated Financial Statements. When acquisitions resulted in the transfer of assets or the assumption of additional liabilities, the effects are shown as net amounts.

Effects of acquisitions





Million €


Million €





Other intangible assets



Property, plant and equipment



Financial assets

Other noncurrent assets

Noncurrent assets



Current assets





of which cash and cash equivalents



















of which noncontrolling interests

Noncurrent liabilities

of which financial indebtedness

Current liabilities





of which financial indebtedness

Total equity and liabilities





Payments made for acquisitions





Additions of cash and cash equivalents



Payments made for acquisitions according to statement of cash flows






Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group


In 2024, BASF sold the following activity:

  • On September 3, 2024, BASF completed the sale of the exploration and production business (E&P business) of the Wintershall Dea AG oil and gas company (Wintershall Dea GmbH as of September
    23, 2024), Kassel/Hamburg, Germany, to Harbour Energy plc, London, United Kingdom. The E&P business includes assets used in production and development, exploration rights and Wintershall Dea’s carbon storage licenses. In exchange, Wintershall Dea shareholders – BASF (72.7%) and LetterOne (27.3%) – received a cash consideration totaling $1.78 billion (BASF share: $1.29 billion), including a purchase price adjustment, and new shares issued by Harbour equating to a total shareholding of 54.5% in the expanded Harbour company (BASF share: 39.6%). The non-integral investment in Harbour Energy, accounted for using the equity method, was initially recognized at the closing price of the shares on September 3, 2024, plus directly attributable incidental acquisition costs. Wintershall Dea’s headquarters, which are scheduled to be closed, its employees as well as the Russia-related business, for which significant federal guarantees exist, were not part of the transaction. The equity method for the shares in Wintershall Dea will be continued accordingly. Income from the sale of the E&P business to Harbour is reported in income from non-integral companies accounted for using the equity method. The disposal gain is summarized in the following table:
Calculation of the disposal gain from the sale of Wintershall Dea’s exploration and production (E&P) business

Million €

Sep. 3, 2024

Cash payment received/shares in Harbour Energy plc and directly attributable acquisition-related costs


Disposed net assets


Other income and expenses related to the divestiture


Disposal gain before taxes


Disposal gain after taxes


In 2023, BASF sold the following activity:

  • On August 31, 2023, BASF completed the sale of its production site in De Meern, Netherlands, to IQatalyst B.V., Luxembourg, a subsidiary of ASC Investment Sarl, Luxembourg. The transaction mainly covered facilities for the production of nickel-based catalysts, including the associated infrastructure and inventories. The production site was part of the Catalysts division. The purchase price was €13 million, and the after-tax disposal loss was €4 million.

The following overview shows the effects of the divestitures in 2024 and 2023 on the Consolidated Financial Statements. The sales line item shows the year-on-year decline resulting from divestitures. The impact on equity related mainly to gains and losses from divestitures. Payments received from divestitures amounted to €1,244 million and mainly related to the Wintershall Dea transaction (€1,169 million), as well as various smaller transactions and a purchase price adjustment for a transaction from previous years.

Effects of divestitures





Million €


Million €

















Noncurrent assets





of which property, plant and equipment





Current assets





of which cash and cash equivalents





















Noncurrent liabilities





of which financial indebtedness

Current liabilities





of which financial indebtedness

Total equity and liabilities





Payments received from divestitures





Further effects in connection with divestituresb




Payments received from divestitures according to statement of cash flows






Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group


Includes project-related tax payments and derecognition of cash and cash equivalents. The sale of Wintershall Dea’s E&P business to Harbour Energy in 2024 is not reported under divestitures in the Statement of Cash Flows, but as a disposal of equity instruments.

Agreed transactions and groups of assets and liabilities held for sale (disposal groups)

  • On December 21, 2024, BASF signed a binding agreement to sell its Food and Health Performance Ingredients business in the Nutrition & Care segment, including the production site in Illertissen, Germany, to Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC), Rotterdam, Netherlands. As part of the agreement, approximately 300 BASF employees are expected to transfer to LDC as of the closing of the transaction. Both parties have agreed not to disclose the financial details of the transaction. As of the agreement on the sale, the affected assets and liabilities were reclassified to a disposal group. The cumulative remeasurement effects of defined benefit plans attributable to the disposal group as of December 31, 2024, recognized in other comprehensive income amounted to –€4 million.
Disposal group of Food and Health Performance Ingredients

Million €

Dec. 31, 2024

Balance sheet




Other intangible assets


Property, plant and equipment


Integral investments accounted for using the equity method

Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method

Other financial assets

Deferred tax assets


Receivables for income taxes

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets


Noncurrent assets




Accounts receivable, trade


Receivables for income taxes

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets


Marketable securities

Cash and cash equivalents

Current assets


Assets of the disposal group


Provisions for pensions and similar obligations


Deferred tax liabilities


Income tax provisions

Other provisions


Financial indebtedness

Other liabilities

Noncurrent liabilities


Accounts payable, trade



Liabilities for income taxes

Financial indebtedness

Other liabilities

Current liabilities

Liabilities of the disposal group


Net assets


  • On December 31, 2024, BASF signed a memorandum of understanding followed by an agreement on February 7, 2025, to divest its shares in BASF Markor Chemical Manufacturing (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd. and Markor Meiou Chemical (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd. in Korla, China. The companies operate production plants for butanediol and PolyTHF in the Chemicals segment. Upon completion of the agreement, the affected assets and liabilities were reclassified to a disposal group. The disposal proceeds are expected to be below the carrying amount of net assets, so an impairment of €24 million was recorded upon classifying this business as held for sale. The cumulative gains from currency translation recognized in other comprehensive income attributable to the disposal group as of December 31, 2024, amounted to €4 million.
Disposal group of BASF Markor Chemical Manufacturing (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd. and Markor Meiou Chemical (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd.

Million €

Dec. 31, 2024

Balance sheet



Other intangible assets

Property, plant and equipment


Integral investments accounted for using the equity method


Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method

Other financial assets

Deferred tax assets


Receivables for income taxes

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets


Noncurrent assets




Accounts receivable, trade


Receivables for income taxes

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets


Marketable securities

Cash and cash equivalents


Current assets


Assets of the disposal group


Provisions for pensions and similar obligations

Deferred tax liabilities


Income tax provisions

Other provisions

Financial indebtedness

Other liabilities


Noncurrent liabilities


Accounts payable, trade




Liabilities for income taxes


Financial indebtedness

Other liabilities


Current liabilities


Liabilities of the disposal group


Net assets


This content fulfills the Disclosure Requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The  ESRS Index gives an overview of the references to the ESRSs in this report.

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