BASF Report 2023

Our Strategy

Chemistry is our passion. We make use of this passion for our customers: We want to offer them the best possible solutions and help them achieve their sustainability goals. With our products and technologies, our innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and the power of our Verbund integration, we want to grow profitably and, at the same time, create value for society and the environment. This is our goal, which is embedded in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future.


Humankind is facing enormous challenges in order to preserve a world worth living in for future generations. The climate is changing, natural resources are becoming scarcer, pressure on ecosystems is increasing and our growing world population needs to be fed. More and more urgently than ever, solutions are needed for a sustainable future. Chemistry plays a key role here. In almost all areas of life, it can pave the way to greater sustainability and accelerate the transformation needed to achieve this. Our innovative products, solutions and technologies help to improve quality of life and protect the environment as well as the climate. We achieve this by using raw materials more efficiently, reducing waste and enabling the production of healthy and affordable food as well as climate-smart mobility.

At the same time, BASF is also undergoing profound changes. We are transforming our company and breaking new ground to increase our profitability and achieve climate neutrality. We are facing up to the challenge of making this change socially just. This involves managing long-term policy decisions like the European Green Deal, overcoming the consequences of current geopolitical conflicts and driving forward digitalization.

Our transformation along the value chain

Supply chain


Renewable energy, low-emission hydrogen, combined heat and power generation

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Raw materials

Renewable and recycled raw materials, raw materials based on the use of CO2

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Network expansion and infrastructure for the transportation of hydrogen and CO2

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Sustainability evaluations, Supplier CO2 Management Program

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Customer-focused production

Minimized transportation routes

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Optimized Verbund structures

Efficient value chains

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Digitalization and automation

Efficient processes

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Operational excellence

Energy and resource-efficient processes

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Emission-free steam generation

Electrified processes, energy recovery

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Pioneering technologies

Emission-free and low-emission processes

Key technologies: batteries, polymers, biotechnology

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Circular economy

New material cycles and recycling technologies

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Solutions for a sustainable future

Low-emission, innovative products (pioneers, contributors)

  • Climate-smart mobility; healthy, affordable food; efficient construction
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Business models

Digitalized and circular approaches

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Transparency (product carbon footprint, corporate carbon footprint), take-back systems

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At the same time, these challenges also open up numerous opportunities for new business areas and innovative products. All of this requires a clear vision, responsible action as well as a high degree of creativity and flexibility.

We want to grow profitably and sustainably. To this end, we have set ourselves ambitious targets and defined concrete measures to achieve them: To increase our profitability, we are strengthening our competitiveness with our cost savings program focusing on Europe and we are adapting our Verbund structures in Ludwigshafen, Germany, to ensure the site remains future-proof. We are investing in growth markets, particularly in Asia, with China as the largest and most important growth driver of global chemical production. Furthermore, we are undergoing a fundamental transformation in the way we steer our company. As part of our Differentiated Steering concept, we are implementing new financial steering indicators tailored to each business. Our operating divisions are also continuing to adapt their specific business models and processes – supported by customized process structures, IT systems and governance frameworks (see Our Steering Concept).

To further embed sustainability in our business activities, we are driving innovations for a sustainable future, focusing our portfolio on growth areas and developing products with a lower carbon footprint. We are pioneers in climate-neutral production. This means we are gradually converting our energy supply from fossil fuels to renewable sources, developing new, pioneering emission-free and low-emission production processes for our products as well as strengthening the circular economy through the use of alternative raw materials and new recycling technologies.

The success of these measures depends primarily on the ideas and commitment of our employees. This is why we want to create an environment in which they can thrive and contribute to BASF’s long-term success. Moreover, the diverse potential of digitalization used in our processes and business models further contributes to the successful implementation of these measures.

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