GRI and Global Compact Index
In the BASF Online Report 2021, our sustainability reporting follows the international Standards “comprehensive” of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The information provided in the BASF Online Report 2021 also serves as a progress report on the implementation of the United Nations Global Compact’s ten principles, while taking Global Compact LEAD’s Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership into consideration. Subsequently, the index provides information on how we contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The GRI, Global Compact and SDG Index lists information on GRI indicators, topics relevant for the Global Compact principles and refers to the respective Sustainable Development Goal of the UN.
If no information is shown for a GRI indicator, we offer an explanation. In order to improve clarity, the GRI indicators in the BASF Online Report are shown directly on the corresponding pages.
KPMG has provided limited assurance on all sustainability-related information and indicators in the “BASF Online Report 2021” for the business year 2021 that the GRI Content Index is referring to. Where in this table comments or explanations are given to GRI indicators, the information is included in the scope of the assurance. For further information please refer to the Independent Assurance Report (indicator 102-56).

Universal Standards
The universal standards offer a general strategic overview of the organization’s sustainability.
Topic-Specific Standards
The guidelines organize topic-specific standards into three categories: economic, environmental and social. Within the specific standard disclosures, each indicator is allocated to the material topics.